


This book is an authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the fascinating world of chromatographic separation methods. This insightful book delves into the core concepts of chromatography, presenting a detailed understanding of its principles and applications across various industries.

Chapter 12: Principle of Chromatographic Separation

In the opening chapter, readers are introduced to the foundational principles of chromatographic separation. The authors skilfully elucidate the underlying theories that govern the separation of complex mixtures into their individual components. Through clear and concise explanations, readers will gain a solid grasp of concepts such as adsorption, partitioning, and affinity chromatography. Real-world examples and case studies further illustrate the significance of these principles in solving analytical challenges across diverse fields.

Chapter 13: Gas Chromatography

The journey into the world of chromatography continues with an in-depth exploration of gas chromatography (GC). Chapter 13 presents an intricate analysis of this powerful analytical technique, highlighting its ability to separate and quantify volatile compounds in complex mixtures. From the instrumentation involved to the intricacies of different stationary phases, readers will acquire a deep understanding of GC's applications in environmental analysis, forensics, and pharmaceutical research. Practical insights into method development and optimization further enhance the reader's grasp of this invaluable tool.

Chapter 14: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

The final chapter of the book delves into the realm of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), another cornerstone of analytical chemistry. With a focus on the liquid phase separation, readers will uncover the versatility of HPLC in separating a wide range of compounds, from small molecules to large biomolecules. The authors delve into the various modes of HPLC, including reversed-phase, ion-exchange, and size exclusion chromatography, shedding light on their mechanisms and applications. A thorough exploration of modern HPLC instrumentation and advancements equips readers with the knowledge to navigate this ever-evolving field.

This book is an indispensable resource for students, researchers, and professionals seeking a comprehensive guide to chromatographic methods. Its three distinct chapters, each dedicated to a vital aspect of chromatography, provide readers with a holistic understanding of separation techniques and their real-world applications. Whether you're a novice entering the world of chromatography or a seasoned practitioner aiming to expand your expertise, this book promises to be an enlightening and informative companion on your journey.

Price : RM 6.00




"Spectroscopy" is a comprehensive and illuminating guide that delves into the fascinating world of spectroscopic methods, offering readers an in-depth understanding of how these techniques enable us to unravel the mysteries of matter on a molecular and atomic level. This thoughtfully crafted book is an essential resource for students, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking to grasp the principles and applications of spectroscopy across a range of scientific disciplines.

Divided into six meticulously structured chapters, this book provides a systematic and engaging exploration of various spectroscopic methods:

 Chapter 6: Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods

The journey begins with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts of spectroscopy. It offers readers a solid foundation by explaining the principles behind spectroscopic techniques and the interaction of light with matter. This chapter also highlights the importance of spectroscopy in different scientific fields and its role in advancing our understanding of the physical and chemical properties of substances.

 Chapter 7: UV-Visible Spectroscopy

In this chapter, readers are immersed in the realm of UV-Visible spectroscopy. The principles of absorption and emission of ultraviolet and visible light by molecules are expounded upon, elucidating how this technique aids in identifying compounds, quantifying their concentration, and providing insights into their electronic structure.

 Chapter 8: Infrared Spectroscopy

Step into the realm of molecular vibrations with infrared spectroscopy. This chapter unravels the intricacies of how molecules interact with infrared radiation, facilitating the identification of functional groups, elucidation of molecular structures, and the exploration of chemical bonding.

 Chapter 9: Mass Spectrometry

The spotlight turns to mass spectrometry, a powerful technique that unveils the masses and structures of molecules. Readers are guided through the intricacies of ionization, mass analysis, and detection, showcasing how mass spectrometry contributes to the identification of compounds and the study of molecular fragmentation.

 Chapter 10: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Enter the world of magnetic fields and nuclear spins in this chapter on NMR spectroscopy. This section elucidates how NMR provides invaluable information about molecular structures, dynamic processes, and interactions within complex systems.

 Chapter 11: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Concluding the journey is a focus on atomic absorption spectroscopy, a technique that investigates the absorption of light by individual atoms. This chapter demonstrates how atomic absorption spectroscopy facilitates the quantification of trace elements in various samples, playing a pivotal role in fields such as environmental monitoring and clinical analysis.

 "Spectroscopy" seamlessly bridges theory and application, offering a balanced blend of foundational knowledge and real-world examples. With each chapter, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the pivotal role spectroscopic methods play in deciphering the properties and behavior of matter at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Whether you're a student taking your first steps into the world of spectroscopy or a seasoned researcher looking for a comprehensive reference, this book is an indispensable guide that sheds light on the captivating realm of spectroscopic exploration

Price : RM 6.00

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY: Basic Chemical Analysis



"Basic Chemical Analysis" is a comprehensive and insightful guide that serves as an essential companion for individuals delving into the realm of analytical chemistry. This meticulously crafted book offers a profound understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques of chemical analysis, making it an indispensable resource for students, researchers, and professionals alike.

 Chapter 1: Basic Statistics

In the opening chapter, readers are introduced to the essential concepts of data interpretation and analysis. This chapter provides a solid foundation in statistical methods, enabling readers to comprehend and manipulate data sets with confidence. From measures of central tendency to dispersion and variability, "Basic Statistics" equips readers with the tools to effectively manage and draw meaningful insights from experimental results.

 Chapter 2: Solution and Concentration

Building upon the statistical groundwork, this chapter explores the properties of solutions and their concentrations. Readers are guided through the intricacies of solution preparation, dilution, and concentration calculations. Clear explanations and illustrative examples help readers grasp the significance of concentration in chemical analysis, as well as its applications in various contexts.

 Chapter 3: Volumetric Analysis

The third chapter delves into the realm of volumetric analysis, a cornerstone technique in chemical analysis. From titrations to equivalence points, readers are led through the theoretical underpinnings and practical methodologies of volumetric analysis. This chapter emphasizes precision and accuracy, imparting the skills required to perform precise measurements and execute volumetric titrations effectively.

 Chapter 4: Gravimetric Analysis

"Gravimetric Analysis" is the focal point of the fourth chapter, where readers are introduced to the art of quantifying substances through their mass. This meticulous approach to analysis involves precise measurements, precipitation reactions, and meticulous filtration techniques. With step-by-step instructions and real-world examples, readers gain proficiency in gravimetric analysis, an indispensable skill for quantitative chemical assessments.

 Chapter 5: Chromatography

The final chapter of the book delves into the dynamic field of chromatography, an essential technique for separating and identifying components in mixtures. From thin-layer chromatography to high-performance liquid chromatography, readers are guided through the principles, methodologies, and applications of this versatile technique. This chapter empowers readers to explore the intricate world of molecular separation and detection, enabling them to unlock a multitude of analytical possibilities.

 "Basic Chemical Analysis" encapsulates a holistic approach to understanding the principles that underlie chemical analysis techniques. With its coherent structure, illustrative examples, and practical insights, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on successful analytical endeavors. Whether a novice in the field or a seasoned practitioner, this book promises to be an invaluable asset on the journey toward mastering the art and science of chemical analysis

Price : RM 6.00




The reaction of (cyclohexylidenemethyl)benzene with ozone followed by zinc metal is known as the Ozonolysis reaction. This reaction involves the oxidative cleavage of the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkene, resulting in the formation of two carbonyl compounds: cyclohexanone and benzaldehyde.

In the basic condition the cross-aldol condensation reaction between cyclohexanone and benzaldehyde involves the condensation of the carbonyl group of one compound with the α-carbon of the other compound, resulting in the formation of a β-hydroxyketone. 3-benzylidene-cyclohexanone





Tautomerism is a chemical phenomenon where a molecule can exist in two different forms that can rapidly switch back and forth. These different forms are called tautomers. The switch between tautomers happens because a hydrogen atom moves around within the molecule.

The most common type of tautomerism involves a molecule changing between a form with a certain arrangement of atoms (called the keto form) and a form with a slightly different arrangement of atoms (called the enol form). This change usually involves the movement of a hydrogen atom.

These different forms can have different chemical properties and behaviors. For example, they may react differently with other substances or have different levels of acidity. The balance between the different tautomeric forms depends on factors like temperature, the type of solvent, and the pH of the solution.

Tautomerism can occur under specific conditions, such as:

1. Presence of functional groups: Tautomerism is commonly observed in compounds that contain certain functional groups, such as carbonyl (C=O) and hydroxyl (OH) groups.

2. Proton transfer: Tautomerism involves the migration of a hydrogen atom or proton within the molecule. This transfer can occur when there are appropriate acidic or basic sites within the molecule.

3.  Favorable thermodynamics: Tautomerism is influenced by factors such as temperature and energy differences between the tautomeric forms. The conversion between tautomers typically occurs when it is thermodynamically favorable.

4.  Solvent effects: The choice of solvent can impact tautomerism. Different solvents can stabilize or destabilize specific tautomeric forms, leading to a shift in the equilibrium between them.

5.  pH dependence: Tautomeric equilibria can be pH-dependent. For example, in the case of keto-enol tautomerism, the enol form is typically favored under acidic conditions, while the keto form is more stable under basic conditions.

One specific example of tautomerism is the interconversion between the keto form and the enol form of a compound called tautomeric aldehydes or ketones.

Aldehydes and ketones are organic compounds that contain a carbonyl group (C=O). Tautomeric aldehydes or ketones exhibit tautomeric behavior due to the presence of certain functional groups and the ability to undergo proton transfer.

In the keto form, tautomerone has a carbonyl group (C=O) where the carbon atom is bonded to an oxygen atom. In the enol form, the carbonyl group is converted to a hydroxyl group (-OH) adjacent to a double bond.

The interconversion between the keto and enol forms occurs through the migration of a hydrogen atom. The process involves the transfer of a proton from the carbon atom adjacent to the carbonyl group (the α-carbon) to the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group, resulting in the formation of a double bond and the hydroxyl group.

Tautomeric aldehydes or ketones exist as a dynamic equilibrium mixture of the keto and enol tautomers. The ratio between the two forms is influenced by various factors, including temperature, solvent, and pH. These factors affect the stability and energy difference between the tautomeric forms.





When a ketone reacts with a Grignard reagent, a reaction known as a Grignard reaction occurs. The reaction proceeds through a nucleophilic addition mechanism, resulting in the formation of an alcohol.

The Grignard reagent, which is an organomagnesium compound, acts as a strong nucleophile and attacks the carbonyl carbon of the ketone. The resulting intermediate is an alkoxide ion, which then protonates to form the corresponding alcohol.




 A free radical reaction involving an alkene typically refers to a reaction where a radical species (a molecule or atom with an unpaired electron) reacts with an alkene to form a new product. One common example of such a reaction is the addition of a halogen to an alkene, known as halogenation.

In halogenation, a halogen molecule (such as chlorine or bromine) breaks its covalent bond to form two halogen radicals. One of these halogen radicals then reacts with the alkene, forming a new carbon-halogen bond and generating an alkyl radical. The alkyl radical can then react with another halogen molecule to produce the final product.

When an alkene containing a tertiary hydrogen (a hydrogen atom bonded to a tertiary carbon atom) undergoes a free radical reaction, it can result in the formation of alkyl radicals and subsequent radical rearrangements. One common example is the reaction known as tertiary hydrogen abstraction.

In this reaction, a radical species abstracts a hydrogen atom from the tertiary carbon of the alkene, creating an alkyl radical and leaving behind a radical species on the alkene. The alkyl radical can then participate in various reactions depending on the reaction conditions and the nature of the radical species present.


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